What I tweeted the day I disappeared (from Twitter)

As it is coming up to a month since I was suspended from Twitter, without any explanation or any response to my immediate appeal, I went into my account and looked at what I tweeted just before I was suspended. It might have been a complaint, or a hack, or an algorithm… but someone didn’t want me tweeting. It had been an uneventful day online, with limited visibility and only a few reactions to my tweets on corporate irresponsibility, radical environmentalism, wise women, climate data, military profiteering and US government involvement in online censorship. What has surprised me since the suspension is that all my past tweets, since 2009, are no longer visible to anyone but me. All the immense wisdom and verifiable foresight, distilled into tweets like botanical gardens into essential oils.. all gone in an instantaneous digital bonfire! I jest. But some of what I shared was a bit nice. For instance, my very last tweet before suspension was on the short talk at my book launch, by the wonderful Satish Kumar. It read:

#SatishKumar has been a thought leader & heart leader in #environmentalism for decades. In this 5 minute share, he asks us to recognise the demise of industrial consumer societies & get on with creating the new. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDMSFT23YLw

I recommend you see his magical 5 minute talk. I have screen shot that tweet along with the other essential oils from that fateful day. If you feel like using them as pictures in your own tweets, that would be great. And I shall pray that you don’t get banned. In the meantime, I recommend subscribing to this blog, where I intend to keep sharing ideas on collapse readiness and response. As I am now leaving my employment, I would also welcome any financial support to encourage me to keep writing essays on such topics.

Update: as there is some amusing projection happening on twitter by folks who don’t know me (unlike how they know their inner repertoire of human characters) at the end of this blog I append a screenshot of my updated appeal, where I ask for any info on why this suspension occurred.

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Screen shot of my repeat appeal after a month…